- The Adventures of Master F. J. by George Gascoigne, 1573
- A reading edition with introductory remarks and notes on the 1575 revision
- Memoirs of the Count de Grammont by Anthony Hamilton, 1713
- Carefully edited, with additional illustrations, as a Bohn's Extra Volume, 1864
- Jubilate Agno by Christopher Smart, c. 1763
- The complete extant text in linked frames
- The Witlings by Fanny Burney, 1779
- With introductory remarks
- Speech to the House of Representatives by Charles Francis Adams, January 31, 1861
- The son of John Quincy, grandson of John, and father of Henry, Brooks, and Charles Francis, Jr. fails to stop the Civil War but successfully explains its start
- Fors Clavigera: Letters to the Workmen and Labourers of Great Britain by John Ruskin, 1870 - 1884
- An unrepresentative selection, with a tribute of sorts
- "A Literary Whim" by Elizabeth Stoddard, 1871
- "Harvard College 1786-1787" by Henry Adams, 1872
- With an appendix by John Quincy Adams, 1786
- The New Republic by W. H. Mallock, 1877
- With introductory remarks
- Prince Prigio by Andrew Lang, 1889
- Illustrated edition
- The Diary of a Nobody by George and Weedon Grossmith, 1892
- Illustrated edition
- "What Is a Philistine?" by George Santayana, 1892
- The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser by R. V. Pierce M.D., 1895
- A selection
- "The Book of the Great Dhoul and Hanrahan the Red" by W.B. Yeats, 1897
- As printed in The Secret Rose in 1897; not included in 1905's revised Stories of Red Hanrahan or later collections
- A Century of Parody and Imitation, that century being the 19th
- A selection with additions
- The Memoirs of Arii Taimai, a history of Tahiti by Marau Taaroa & Henry Adams, 1901
- With introductory remarks
- "In Maytime" by Anne Maynard Kidder from A Book of Bryn Mawr Stories, 1901
- Critical Kit-Kats by Edmund Gosse, 1903
- A selection, including "Walter Pater: A Portrait"
- "The Power of Darkness" by E. Nesbit, 1905
- The complete works of W. N. P. Barbellion (1889-1919)
- The Journal of a Disappointed Man, Enjoying Life, and A Last Diary, previously serialized as Barbellionblog (R.I.P.)
- From Robert Musil's review of several essay collections, 1913
- Translated by Paul Kerschen with Jessie Ferguson
- "Preface to New Edition" of The Emancipation of Massachussetts: The Dream and the Reality by Brooks Adams, 1919
- A selection
- "Tickets, Please!" by D. H. Lawrence, 1919
- Sandman's Rainy Day Stories by Abbie Phillips, 1920
- "He was wise enough to see that a poor peasant and a princess could not be happy together and a peasant girl was a more fitting bride for him."
- Nonfiction by Chandler Davis
- Three essays, a lecture, and an interview; since superseded by The Chandler Davis Online Archive
- "In the House, Another" by Joseph Whitehill, 1960
- The Star-Pit, a radio drama by Samuel R. Delany, 1967
- "The City of Penetrating Light" by Thomas M. Disch, 1968
- A favorite short story by my favorite post-WWII short story writer
- "Oxydol Poisoning" by Earl Jackson, Jr., 1995
- An analytical memoir
- "Mistakes Were Made: An Exchange" by Ray Davis & Jonathan Lethem, 1998
- Genre ressentiment
- Alec: How to be an Artist, "Chapter Fourteen" by Eddie Campbell, 2001
- The original ending
- "Paradoxa Interview with William Tenn: 'A Jew's-Eye View of the Universe'", 2003
- Philip Klass interviewed by Josh Lukin
- "Utopia Parkway" by Carter Scholz, 2003
- A draft preface for The Amount to Carry, regarding genre
- "Samuel R. Delany" by K. Leslie Steiner, 2004
- A brief literary biography