Bellona Times Repress

The Adventures of Master F. J. by George Gascoigne, 1573
A reading edition with introductory remarks and notes on the 1575 revision
Memoirs of the Count de Grammont by Anthony Hamilton, 1713
Carefully edited, with additional illustrations, as a Bohn's Extra Volume, 1864
Jubilate Agno by Christopher Smart, c. 1763
The complete extant text in linked frames
The Witlings by Fanny Burney, 1779
With introductory remarks
Speech to the House of Representatives by Charles Francis Adams, January 31, 1861
The son of John Quincy, grandson of John, and father of Henry, Brooks, and Charles Francis, Jr. fails to stop the Civil War but successfully explains its start
Fors Clavigera: Letters to the Workmen and Labourers of Great Britain by John Ruskin, 1870 - 1884
An unrepresentative selection, with a tribute of sorts
"A Literary Whim" by Elizabeth Stoddard, 1871
"Harvard College 1786-1787" by Henry Adams, 1872
With an appendix by John Quincy Adams, 1786
The New Republic by W. H. Mallock, 1877
With introductory remarks
Prince Prigio by Andrew Lang, 1889
Illustrated edition
The Diary of a Nobody by George and Weedon Grossmith, 1892
Illustrated edition
"What Is a Philistine?" by George Santayana, 1892
The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser by R. V. Pierce M.D., 1895
A selection
"The Book of the Great Dhoul and Hanrahan the Red" by W.B. Yeats, 1897
As printed in The Secret Rose in 1897; not included in 1905's revised Stories of Red Hanrahan or later collections
A Century of Parody and Imitation, that century being the 19th
A selection with additions
The Memoirs of Arii Taimai, a history of Tahiti by Marau Taaroa & Henry Adams, 1901
With introductory remarks
"In Maytime" by Anne Maynard Kidder from A Book of Bryn Mawr Stories, 1901
Critical Kit-Kats by Edmund Gosse, 1903
A selection, including "Walter Pater: A Portrait"
"The Power of Darkness" by E. Nesbit, 1905
The complete works of W. N. P. Barbellion (1889-1919)
The Journal of a Disappointed Man, Enjoying Life, and A Last Diary, previously serialized as Barbellionblog (R.I.P.)
From Robert Musil's review of several essay collections, 1913
Translated by Paul Kerschen with Jessie Ferguson
"Preface to New Edition" of The Emancipation of Massachussetts: The Dream and the Reality by Brooks Adams, 1919
A selection
"Tickets, Please!" by D. H. Lawrence, 1919
Sandman's Rainy Day Stories by Abbie Phillips, 1920
"He was wise enough to see that a poor peasant and a princess could not be happy together and a peasant girl was a more fitting bride for him."
Nonfiction by Chandler Davis
Three essays, a lecture, and an interview; since superseded by The Chandler Davis Online Archive
"In the House, Another" by Joseph Whitehill, 1960
The Star-Pit, a radio drama by Samuel R. Delany, 1967
"The City of Penetrating Light" by Thomas M. Disch, 1968
A favorite short story by my favorite post-WWII short story writer
"Oxydol Poisoning" by Earl Jackson, Jr., 1995
An analytical memoir
"Mistakes Were Made: An Exchange" by Ray Davis & Jonathan Lethem, 1998
Genre ressentiment
Alec: How to be an Artist, "Chapter Fourteen" by Eddie Campbell, 2001
The original ending
"Paradoxa Interview with William Tenn: 'A Jew's-Eye View of the Universe'", 2003
Philip Klass interviewed by Josh Lukin
"Utopia Parkway" by Carter Scholz, 2003
A draft preface for The Amount to Carry, regarding genre
"Samuel R. Delany" by K. Leslie Steiner, 2004
A brief literary biography

Copyright to contributed work and quoted correspondence remains with the original authors.
Public domain work remains in the public domain.
All other material: Copyright 1999-2022 Ray Davis.